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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mystify Your PC With Great Screensavers by Jon Caldwell

Many who work in offices have had the experience of somebody meddling with their computer as they head off to the cafeteria for the occasional bite and today's identity theft prone world a screensaver might just save you from such activities. Screensavers can usually be set to ask for passwords when they go to work, that as you get back to your desk it asks for a password before again granting access to the computer system. Much similar to the new design that has been built into Windows, any inactivity that sends the computer into stand-by or idle mode asks for such passwords that guards your PC from unauthorized access. You get the nice graphics and the security you need when you forget to lock the terminal you're working on.
With nostalgic art by John Zed King, the screensaver features old style art of America's olden days when life was a tad bit slower and everything looked surreal and peaceful. Those were the days of Americans who loved daily life as the lovely country dirt roads complete with some of the best and loved classic cars and scenery that have long gone. Old locomotives and houses that shows a different side of America before the rush of daily grime took hold and everything was for earning profit. These scenes are some of the best artist renditions of Classic America when Oldsmobile's ruled and life was simpler and best. Bring a bit of nostalgia to your desktop with this lovely screensaver from With complete themes that is sure to bring some peace and art to your desktop.
For some nifty and innovative scenery screen savers and themes visit their site and enjoy some of the best of the best. With free downloads asides from their paid versions, you get to test their wonderful art and scenery before you get a full-blown product. More are available for registered and paying users who get to use their products and the subsequent updates round the clock through their website. Their full subscription goes fro $60 but that gives you access to the whole library of animated screensavers and desktop wallpapers that is truly above the rest. Some of their screensavers takes you away to far off exotic lands where the beaches are clear and the scenery is pristine. Check them out for some of the best screensavers on the planet.
The visual arts industry that is the screensaver business has long since been a part of computer culture that even today's energy efficient hardware still use to prevent a problem known as screen burn-in. If you've seen a burned in image on your monitor, that's it. But with today's energy saving technology, do we still need screensavers? Well, that's totally up to the user for a computer system that is running a screensaver still consumes electricity, you'd think that it would be more environmentally friendly just to shut-down or better yet use the stand-by or hibernate mode to save on alkl the juice that's being eaten up by your unused PC. Power down and save a few kilowatts of power so you do get to save a bit of electricity. It's greener and for the benefit of all.
From the site comes some of the best sci-fi scenery from space; galaxies and planets you've never seen all in the convenience of your desktop. See galaxies and nebula as you coast around the universe, watch stars and planets whiz by in the beauty of the most realistic screensavers from outer space. No need to get on a rocket, just sit back and watch as the wonders of the universe are displayed right before your very eyes. See the sun and planets like never before as stunning graphics filled with details flash and change at set intervals. You even have the option of having an mp3 file playing in the background as a bonus.

About the Author
Jon Caldwell is a professional content manager. Much of his articles can be found at